May 27, 2016

Brianne & Mark Anthony | Married

When Brianne + Mark Anthony first mentioned that they were planning their wedding for the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, I mentally jumped up and down and squealed with joy.  If you know me, you know I’m a huge sucker for animals, so given the opportunity to do what I love surrounded by adorable little fur balls was a dream come true.

Brianne + Mark Anthony didn’t let a little rain stop them from enjoying their beautiful Paris themed wedding.  Although we had to improvise with our photo locations, it actually turned out for the better because the amazing guides from the Columbus Zoo snuck us away and into the aquarium for an aquatic photo adventure.  According to them, this is not something they do often, so it was definitely a treat to be in the manatee area and the aquarium with no other people around.  Now I’m sitting here trying to scheme up a way to be able to do that again!  Brianne + Mark Anthony – wanna go back and renew your vows with me?! 😉

Here are just a few of my favorite animal photos with Brianne + Mark Anthony…

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a baby kangaroo.

Just look at this little baby kangaroo!  She was so sweet and cuddly….and curious.  She tried to get into Brianne’s dress haha!

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a baby kangaroo.

And then, there was the penguin, all dressed up in his adorable little tux for this beautiful occasion.

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a penguin.

Next was this curious baby serval.  Originally from Africa, I think this little girl would much prefer these fancy shoes as her home.

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a baby serval.

Before heading into the aquarium, we got one final cuddle with this funny little armadillo.  Look how cute that little ball is!

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a baby armadillo.

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a baby armadillo.

Our final location was in the manatee house, where we not only had a beautiful background, but also got photo bombed by sea turtles, schools of fish, and…..Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with a school of fish.

….KISSING MANATEES!  How lucky was this?!

Columbus Zoo Wedding - A photo of the bride and groom with manatees.

Brianne + Mark Anthony, thank you for making one of my photography dreams come true!  I’m so happy I got to spend such a beautiful day with you both!





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